Hi there

I like to prepare some nice breakfast on weekends so that I can enjoy with my family, we will make pancakes, sandwiches, hotdogs, or big breakfasts, well usually something western. 🙂 My son will also get to break some eggs and prepare his own breakfast too.

So to test out how quickly I can whip up a breakfast using the Happycall pan, I have tried it out last sunday.

breakfast using happypan

I also managed to make a child version of a big breakfast too. 🙂

breakfast using happypan kids ideas

So if you have a Happycall pan, why not try it out besides your usual lunch or dinner menu, breakfast can be cooked swiftly too!

breakfast using happypan

Basically as a rule of thumb, cook all dry and less oily items first, then move on to wet items (such as scrambled eggs), this way, you do not need to keep washing the pan, and can cook everything in a breeze. 🙂

happypan breakfast feast


  • I use it to cook some hashbrown, as I closed the happycall covered, the hashbrown was cooked very quickly, but as it trapped steam inside, the hashbrown turned out a little soggy, so I opened the pan and let it pan fried a little, about 1 min and it got all crisped up again. 🙂

Sausage & tomato

  • I cooked both the sausage and baby tomatoes as I know sausage is quite difficult to cook through, especially I was using the thicker ones. So I throw in some baby tomatoes and the juices will create some steam and kind of deglazed the pan a little. There are still the burnt bits on the sausage, but it give a nice little smoky flavor to it and also the tomato managed to deglaze my pan at the same time. 🙂

Scrambled Eggs

  • As you can see, I didn’t use the pan, as I wasn’t sure if my shallow happycall pan will works for scrambled eggs, I will still try it out next time, and post it up here to share with you my experience. But if you are cooking sunny side up, then I am sure the happycall pan will do a fine work at it. 🙂

Toast or Bread slices

  • Just leave it on the pan while you cook the hashbrown or the sausage, the heat will crisp up the bread and you don’t even need to use a toaster. 🙂

Okay all the above, took me less than 20 mins to whip up so its not that bad, for 4 pax share of breakfast. I think if I added some pancakes, 30 mins will do the work.

breakfast using happypan

As for little kids, to get them eat their hearty breakfast, do try to put some cute toothpicks where you can get a bunch from Daiso, nothing beats using some interesting utensils, colorful plates, and some set up like a smiley face on the toast to encourage them to finish up the meal. 🙂

breakfast using happypan

This time round, I used thin slices of baguette and added toppings on to the thin slices.

breakfast using happycall pan

My 3 year old toddler just follow suit and do exactly the same thing. 🙂

breakfast using happycall pan

I think happycall pan is also good to make quick and fast snacks, like some tapas. Just a lightbulb moment, may be I can make small canapes and have a little canapes party. 🙂 I am sure the little kids will love to eat it, let them explore with different food and mess up a little on their plates.

breakfast using happycall pan


Happy Cooking!

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