Hi there

I got this quick & simple recipes, Japanese coroquette recipes here which are deep fried Japanese potato patties. You can also opt to use tuna or crab meat or just plain veges too to substitute mince beef which I use in this recipe.

As for this recipe, I will be making mild Japanese curry coroquette so that you can keep it in your freezer and just cook it whenever you have cravings for it.

I think many of you know sometimes cooking small amount is much harder than cooking for many people so this recipe whereby you can freeze it and allow you to consume slowly is really convenient.

coroquette with tonkatsu sauce

Ingredients you will need :

  • Amir mince beef x 1 (I usually use half but as it is frozen beef so I will just finish the whole pack at one shot)
  • Rusett potatoes x 5 (this will give you a decent 20 patties)
  • Watties mixed veges x 1/4 pack
  • Salt n pepper / Lemon juice
  • Breadcrumbs (I use Japanese or Korean breadcrumbs)

coroquette ingredients

Directions :

1. Boiled the potatoes in salted water until cooked
(Tips : You can use toothpick or chopstick to poke through the potato, if it can easily poke through, that means it is cooked. Also for salt water, a large pot of water will require 1 teaspoon of salt to quicken the boiling process)

coroquette  breadcrumbs

coroquette  boiled potatoes

2. Chopped onions, brown them in pan with a little olive oil & butter and fry the thawed mince beef.

coroquette curry beef

3. Place a cube of Japanese curry mix into the fry beef and cooked until fragrant, then add in mixed vegetables.

coroquette cooked ingredients

4. After the beef is done, mash the potatoes with a masher & mix the beef in it. Leave it to cool.

coroquette curry beef with potato

(Tips : the cooling process can be done as early as when the potatoes are cooked, just run some cold water on the potato before you peel, this way the potato skin will also peel off easily)

5. Shape all potato mixture into patties of your prefered size.

coroquette shaping

(Tips : this can be a great party recipe if you make it in bite size)

6. Pat the patties with flour, dip into eggs, and subsequently with breadcrumbs and place it aside

preparation for frying

7. Here, upon all done, just place some into supermarket plastic bags, or tray, stash it in the freezer

coroquette with breadcrumbs

coroquette storage

8. Once they are frozen, just take out how much you want to cook for the meal and deep fried.

As the ingredients are already precooked, what you can do is deep fried or pan fried on each side so that the crumbs will be crispy, you can either continue frying it until inside is hot, or you can pop into the oven to heat it up too.

Just remember this important point, deep fried coroquette only when they are frozen, so that they will stay in shape and crispy on the outside.

coroquette frying

9. Drizzle some tonkatsu sauce or ketchup and some mayo, and tuck in!


coroquette with ketchup

coroquette ketchup

With this recipe, you can then concoct your own coroquette with various ingredients, try using crab meat if you want esquisite party food, I also try using salted fish, as it is a replicate of Portuguese Salted Cod Fish Patties, it taste really good too, savory and satisfying.

Happy Cooking!

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